Member Introduction

popco popco


popco to everyone「各位請多多指教~萍水相逢既是有緣,能在茫茫人海遇見你是我的天大的幸運,你能在茫茫文海閱讀我的文章是我無上的榮幸!如果你也是喜歡創作文章的話,歡迎加入我們,與我們一起討論,一起碰撞出更多更有趣的故事!」

popco popco

 I am a writer and group administrator
 popco to everyone"It is my great fortune to meet you in a sea of people, and it is my great honor to have you read my articles in a sea of writing! If you also like to create articles, welcome to join us, discuss with us, and collide more and more interesting stories together!”



可可貓 to everyone 


可可貓 to everyone

I'm a erotic kokoa neko who loves to draw~ヽ(•ω•ゞ)At present, the painting skills need to be strengthened. Because of the busy schoolwork, the time for theproduction of works is not fixed. Please give more advice in the future.


 All the works will be published on Twitter FWPC main base, if you are interested, you can click on “Link” to see, also will attach each member's Twitter link

Welcome to the group
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